Photography has been with me since early childhood, this hobby has accompanied me all my life. It all started with a film camera that my grandfather always used to take pictures of me. Thanks to him I started to get interested in photography. Then I took the classics: all my closest girlfriends were in the frame, and then the whole small town where I grew up.


However, I did not choose photography as my main profession. I wanted to connect my life with science. I liked chemistry and geology, so I enrolled as a petroleum geologist. And here again, in parallel with studying at the university, I took a camera in my hands. I started shooting friends, looking for models, and even trying myself at video shooting.


My university gave me a great start in life. I gained invaluable knowledge in my profession, made the best friends and still decided to continue my creative path in the world of photography.


All the time I have been shooting, I have met so many interesting and unique people who time after time have come to my photoshoots and invited their friends. Photography has opened up many opportunities for me, from traveling to beautiful places, to being able to take my creativity and vision to the people.

Thanks to photography, I learn new professions and skills every day. I am constantly improving my professional abilities, as well as practicing related areas: psychology, marketing, communication arts, videography, styling and even makeup.


Working for myself, I have to think about my business 24/7. But that doesn't mean I don't have other hobbies and goals besides photography! For example, I love running, dancing and volleyball. I try to understand cinema and analyze the works of certain filmmakers. And also I adore Earth sciences, after all it is not in vain that I studied geology for 5 years! And of course I love history: history of the Earth, history of civilizations and states, history of religion, history of art and fashion.

Over the past 5 years, I've dedicated most of my life to photography. I've had ups and downs, I could earn a lot and get nothing, I've had burnouts and incredible creative highs. During all this time I have done about 500 shoots in different cities and countries, met countless beautiful people and 100% convinced that one day my grandfather gave me the best gift in my life - a way into photography.